
Posts Tagged ‘seeking God

There comes a tine in life when as Christian , you desire nothing more than to be Christ like. To be as humble as the King of Kings… The thing is are you ready?! Are you willing to be tried, patient and tested?

When Jesus was in the world the bible tells us that He was tested just like us and yet without sin! Can this b our testimony today?!

Being Christ like requires a lot of humulity. Not jus outward humility, but inward humility when you know that you are nothing but mere dust before our Lord and King .

My sister today spoke of God’s tjme like this “there is prayer time, waiting time, testing time and then testimony time”. These are the steps, and through it all you will need patience, endurance of the pain and suffering that will come your way.

When you want God’s will to be perfected in your life, you will have to endure. It will be painful, and at times you will feel like giving up on all hope, just remember that God has answered your prayers already. At Gethsemane, Jesus wept and prayed and sweated. Still He accepted God’s plan and knew that His purpose for coming on earth must be fulfilled. If Jesus at that point would have said ” u know what, dunno y am doing all this anyway! All this pain and suffering for people hu are to persecute me and kill me… Why Should I bother?! “, where would this world be today?! Where would you and I be?!

If Jesus, a King could humble Himself to allow God’s will to be fulfilled, so can we. The sorrow is only for a moment for Joy will soon come!!!

So, when you are asking God to break you and mould you into His likeness, be ready for your flesh to feel pain. You will feel evry emotion, from anger to hatred to discouragement to joy.

The pain will be your testimony, just remember that the enemy does not want to see you finish the race and God will not force you either..

Be careful what you pray for. Xx
